Monday, February 1, 2010

The "I Will" Adventure

What is this blog about?

Maybe it is about watching time flying away and still say "I should" too often. Maybe it is about starting to say "I will" instead. Maybe it is about ending routine and boredom. Maybe it is about finding out more about myself. Maybe it is about challenge. Maybe it is simply about curiosity.

Two years and half ago, I left France for London, a place I had never been to before but I had always dreamt about. I decided to stop dreaming and start living instead. After ten months in London, I ended up in Prague where I had been offered a job as a writer for some fashion websites. I met Angela who became my flatmate and a really good friend.
I am now turning 25 in a few weeks. I guess the little girl I once was who wanted to be a journalist or a fashion designer is quite satisfied but I still feel like I am too often making plans without fulfiling them.

Maybe this is what The New Project is about for me: stop dreaming, start living.

We were having lunch with our neighbours one Sunday. While talking about this project, our flatmate Michal suggested that I go on 365 blind dates. For somebody, like me, who thinks that first dates are more awkward than nice, it would have been a real challenge. But it gave us another idea: why not try things you would not usually do? Why not fight against your fears?

Maybe it is about challenging your way of life, your habits and your thoughts.

And then, there is the blog. Another way to stop saying "I should" and actually do the things. French may be my native language but English has a really important place in my life and I've been saying for a long time now that I should write more in English. Well, here I am.

Live your dreams, challenge your life and make peace with your fears. This could be my precept for 2010.


  1. This is a great project, and I'll try and help you find good ideas. Good luck Super Coco!
    Your English is still fluent, not like mine :-(

  2. Thank you Nadjounette! My English is way better now than it was way back in uni! Living surrounded by non-French speakers helps :)

  3. All I can say for sure of luck, hold my hand and never ever EVER shut uuu-uuuuup! I love you Chloe. x x x
